Every other person in the city knew that her horse business made her all the riches and that she might have been sitting on good inheritance too (…). Still, at this stage, the trusting colleagues didn’t suspect that she was embezzling funds from the city.

From here, she was able to get substantive wealth with which she got herself a 1967 corvette, a Lexus, late-model trucks, 20 foot boat, a $259,000 horse trailer, a $2.1 million motor home, a Florida home, custom jewelry worth a fortune, leather and wooden furniture similar to those of the queen of England and over 50 championship trophies (…). Surprisingly, within a very short time, Rita Crundwell’s quarter horse operation had emerged as one of the most prestigious in the world, winning titles in every race and championship. These horses are known for racing, exhibition, rodeos and other significant horse events (…). The horse is very expensive to obtain and certainly very expensive to maintain. Quarter horses are known to be a very prestigious breed with unique capabilities of fast sprint and a powerful body. Soon enough, the pride of the city, Rita Crundwell, started pursuing her passion for raising and showing quarter horses. She had very strong knowledge of every municipal issue, and soon enough with such competence, she earned the trust of every single employee of the city from her colleagues, community, Mayor Burke and the elected commissioners (…). What she is particularly known for was being very good at her job. With her brilliance she quickly rose the ranks and at age thirty with only a diploma from high school, she was made the city’s comptroller, a position she held until April 17, 2012, when she was found guilty of embezzling city funds. She started working as a secretary upon graduation. Rita Crundwell was born in 1953 and raised on a farm near the city of Dixon (….) She was known as a brilliant student in school, and that landed her a prestigious job at the City of Dixon while still studying in school. The case study is about Rita Crundwell and her position in the management of the city of Dixon, Illinois.